//		Grumman Tracker S2FT Conair Conversion 

//		for Flight Simulator FS 2004 with full VC 

//	Modified flap, performance and retardant drop section
//			Januari 2011 by Emile Lancee.

//			Original from Abacus version


title=Abacus PtC Conair Turbo Firecat 1280x1024 Display

kb_checklists=Turbo Firecat_check
kb_reference=Conair Turbo Firecat

atc_airline=FireCat 7
ui_type=S-2FT Tracker
ui_variation=Turbo Firecat Securite Civile for 1280x1024 Display

Description=Grumman designed the Tracker as a carrier-based ASW aircraft. First flew on 4 December 1952. Conair of Canada converted them to firefighting aircraft, called Firecat, and in 1988 flew the first Turbine engined Firecat. This aircraft represents the Conair Turbo Firecats operated by the French Securite Civil.The 2D cockpit is optimized for a 1280x1024 display presentation.Modified by E.Lancee in 2011.Original FsDesign by Abacus. 


title=Abacus PtC Conair Turbo Firecat 3840x1024 Display

kb_checklists=Turbo Firecat_check
kb_reference=Conair Turbo Firecat

atc_airline=FireCat 7
ui_type=S-2FT Tracker
ui_variation=Turbo Firecat Securite Civile for 3840x1024 Display

Description=Grumman designed the Tracker as a carrier-based ASW aircraft. First flew on 4 December 1952. Conair of Canada converted them to firefighting aircraft, called Firecat, and in 1988 flew the first Turbine engined Firecat. This aircraft represents the Conair Turbo Firecats operated by the French Securite Civil.The 2D cockpit is optimized for a tripple screen 3840x1024 presentation.Modified by E.Lancee in 2011.Original FsDesign by Abacus.  


title=Abacus PtC Conair Turbo Firecat 3840x1024 Display Modified

kb_checklists=Turbo Firecat_check
kb_reference=Conair Turbo Firecat

atc_airline=FireCat 7
ui_type=S-2FT Tracker
ui_variation=Turbo Firecat Securite Civile for 3840x1024 Display Modified

Description=Grumman designed the Tracker as a carrier-based ASW aircraft. First flew on 4 December 1952. Conair of Canada converted them to firefighting aircraft, called Firecat, and in 1988 flew the first Turbine engined Firecat. This aircraft represents the Conair Turbo Firecats operated by the French Securite Civil.The 2D cockpit is optimized for a tripple screen 3840x1024 presentation.An optical correction has been introduced for the engine and radio instrumentation.Modified by E.Lancee in 2011.Original FsDesign by Abacus.   


Performance=Length: 42 ft 3 in.\nHeight: 16 ft 3 in.\nWing Span: 68 ft 8 in.\nWing Area: 485 sq ft.\nEngines: P&W Canada PT6A-67AF turboprops.\nPower: 1,220 shp continuous at SL.\nEmpty Weight: 15,177 lb.\nMTO Weight: 27,500 lb.\nMax Level Speed: 220 KTAS at 4,000 ft.\nCruise Speed: 210 KTAS.\nStall Speed (clean): 83 KIAS at 20,000 lb.\nInitial Climb Rate: 745 fpm (20,000 lb).\nService Ceiling: 20,000 ft.\nRange: 841 mi.\nEndurance: 5.1 hrs with full payload.\nFire Retardant Payload: 871 US gal.

atc_type = Grumman
atc_model= S-2A

parasite_drag_scalar=1.3 //was 1.0
hi_alpha_on_roll           = 1.0
hi_alpha_on_yaw            = 1.0
p_factor_on_yaw            = 0.5
torque_on_roll             = 0.5
gyro_precession_on_roll    = 0.3
gyro_precession_on_yaw     = 0.3


reference_datum_position= -0.5, 0.0,  1.2				//FS Datum wrt Mdl Datum
empty_weight_CG_position= -0.3, 0.0, -1.2				//On thrust line

CG_forward_limit=  0.5
CG_aft_limit    = -0.5

empty_weight    = 15177.0						//Ref 3
max_gross_weight= 27500.0						//Ref 1

empty_weight_roll_MOI   = 40500.6
empty_weight_pitch_MOI  = 21537.3
empty_weight_yaw_MOI    = 60917.4
empty_weight_coupled_MOI=     0.0

max_number_of_stations= 3

station_load.0= 170.0, 9.5, -1.5 , -3.0, Pilot			
station_load.1= 170.0, 9.5,  1.5 , -3.0, Co-pilot	
station_load.2=   0.0, 0.0,  0.0 ,  0.0, Payload		//Retardant wgt rep by Ext fuel tanks


fuel_type               = 2
number_of_tank_selectors= 2
electric_pump           = 1

LeftMain = -0.76,  -9.92,  0.60,   351.8, 1,5          
RightMain= -0.76,   9.92,  0.60,   351.8, 1,5                    
External1= -0.76,   0.00, -1.20,  542.4, 0.0			//Represents fire retardant
External2= -0.76,   0.00, -1.20,  542.4, 0.0			//Represents fire retardant


static_pitch    = 2.85
static_cg_height= 7.72

gear_system_type= 1							//Hydraulic

max_number_of_points= 9

point.0= 1,  11.93,   0.00, -9.670, 1574, 0, 0.72, 30.0, 0.131, 2.50, 0.80, 8.0, 8.0, 0, 150.0, 150.0
point.1= 1,  -1.51,  -9.25, -9.120, 1574, 1, 1.42,  0.0, 0.500, 1.67, 0.80, 8.0, 8.0, 2, 150.0, 150.0
point.2= 1,  -1.51,   9.25, -9.120, 1574, 2, 1.42,  0.0, 0.500, 1.67, 0.80, 8.0, 8.0, 3, 150.0, 150.0
point.3= 2,  13.38,   0.00, -4.557, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 4,   0.0,   0.0
point.4= 2, -25.50,   0.00, -4.100, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 9,   0.0,   0.0
point.5= 2,  -2.00, -35.80,  2.000, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 5,   0.0,   0.0
point.6= 2,  -2.00,  35.80,  2.000, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 6,   0.0,   0.0
point.7= 2, -23.75,   0.00, -5.777, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0,   0.0,   0.0
point.8= 5,  -5.36,   0.00, -7.082, 1600, 0, 0.00, 50.0, 0.000, 0.00, 1.00, 1.1, 1.5, 0,   0.0,   0.0		//Bomb bay doors


parking_brake             = 1.999999
toe_brakes_scale          = 0.7
differential_braking_scale= 1.0


eyepoint= 7.5, -1.5, -0.11   //was 8, -1.5, -0.25


wing_winglets_flag  = 0
spoilerons_available= 1
wing_area                  = 485.00				
wing_span                  =  68.67				
wing_root_chord            =  10.00				
wing_dihedral              =   2.50				
wing_incidence             =   1.25
wing_twist                 =  -2.50
oswald_efficiency_factor   =   0.75
wing_sweep                 =   4.00				
wing_pos_apex_lon          =   2.50
wing_pos_apex_vert         =   0.00
htail_area                 = 123.92				
htail_span                 =  27.00				
htail_pos_lon              = -19.13				
htail_pos_vert             =   2.10				
htail_incidence            =   0.00
htail_sweep                =  15.40
vtail_area                 =  95.49				
vtail_span                 =  10.67				
vtail_sweep                =  25.00				
vtail_pos_lon              = -18.17				
vtail_pos_vert             =  -0.83				
elevator_area              =  42.20				
aileron_area               =  13.80				
rudder_area                =  22.00				
elevator_up_limit          =  25.00				
elevator_down_limit        =  15.00				
aileron_up_limit           =  20.00				
aileron_down_limit         =  15.00				
rudder_limit               =  24.00				
elevator_trim_limit        =  20.00
spoiler_limit              =  90.00
aileron_to_spoileron_gain  =   1.00
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=   0.00
min_flaps_for_spoilerons   =   0.00


type             = 1                  // 1 - tail, 2 - lead
span-outboard    = 0.5                // 0.0 .. 1.0
extending-time   = 5                  // seconds
flaps-position.0 = 0                  // degrees
flaps-position.1 = 15                 // degrees
flaps-position.2 = 30
flaps-position.3 = 45                 // degrees
damaging-speed   = 160                // KIAS
blowout-speed    = 200                // KIAS
drag_scalar	= 2.0		//was 2.1 en eerst 2.3
pitch_scalar  =   0.8  //was 0.8


engine_type       =  5
fuel_flow_scalar  =  0.85
min_throttle_limit= -0.12

engine.0= 6.71, -9.375, -1.2
engine.1= 6.71,  9.375, -1.2


afterburner_available   =     0
fuel_flow_gain          =     0.015
inlet_area              =     0.825
rated_N2_rpm            = 39000.000					
static_thrust           =   212.000


power_scalar                         =    1.2 //was  1.0
max_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar =    1.0
idle_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar=    1.0
max_rpm_friction_scalar              =    1.0
idle_rpm_friction_scalar             =    1.0
maximum_torque                       = 4900.0	//was 4500


thrust_scalar                      = 1.0 
propeller_type                     = 0
prop_sync_available                = 1 
prop_deice_available               = 0 
prop_feathering_available          = 1 
prop_auto_feathering_available     = 1  
prop_reverse_available             = 1 
defeathering_accumulators_available= 1 
propeller_blades                   = 5 
propeller_diameter    =    10.60 //was 9.6
propeller_moi         =   30.00
beta_max              =   60.00 //was 50.00
beta_min              =   13.90					
min_gov_rpm           = 1250.00 
prop_tc               =    0.005 
gear_reduction_ratio  =   22.9412					
fixed_pitch_beta      =    0.00
low_speed_theory_limit=   80.00 
min_rpm_for_feather   =  550.00      
beta_feather          =   83.10					
power_absorbed_cf     =    0.20 
minimum_on_ground_beta=    1.00
minimum_reverse_beta  =  -10.00					


electric_always_available    =   0
engine_generator_map         =   1,1
max_battery_voltage          =  24.0
generator_alternator_voltage =  28.0
max_generator_alternator_amps= 400.0				

additional_system = 0, 20, 17.0
autopilot         = 0,  5, 17.0
avionics_bus      = 0, 10, 17.0
avionics          = 1,  5, 17.0
flap_motor        = 0,  5, 17.0
fuel_pump         = 0,  5, 17.0
gear_motor        = 0,  5, 17.0
gear_warning      = 0,  2, 17.0
light_nav         = 0,  5, 17.0
light_beacon      = 0,  5, 17.0
light_landing     = 0,  5, 17.0
light_taxi        = 0,  5, 17.0
light_strobe      = 0,  5, 17.0
light_panel       = 0,  5, 17.0
marker_beacon     = 1,  2, 17.0
pitot_heat        = 0,  2, 17.0
starter1          = 0, 20, 17.0
starter2          = 0, 20, 17.0


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing 
// lightswitch, longitudinal, lateral, vertical

light.0 = 1, -24.10,  0,    10.60, fx_beacon
light.1 = 1, -12.69,  0,    -6.07, fx_beacon
light.2 = 4,   8.72,  -0.00,   -2.00, fx_vclight 
light.3 = 3,  -0.7, -35.66,  1.99, fx_navred
light.4 = 3,  - 0.70, 35.66,  1.99, fx_navgre
light.5 = 5,   0.83, 20.93,  1.25, fx_landing
light.6 = 6,   0.8,  21.66,  1.3,  fx_navwhi
light.7 = 3, -29.38,  0,    -2.30, fx_navwhi
light.8 = 2, -0.7, -35.66,  1.99, fx_strobe
light.9 = 2, -0.7, 35.66,  1.99, fx_strobe
light.10 = 1, -29.38,  0,    -2.30, fx_strobe


Audio.1       = 1
Com.1         = 1, 1
Com.2         = 1, 1
Nav.1         = 1, 1, 1
Nav.2         = 1, 1, 1
Adf.1         = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1      = 1


electric_pumps = 0
engine_map     = 1, 1
normal_pressure= 1500.0


wake     = fx_wake
water    = fx_spray
dirt     = fx_tchdrt
touchdown= fx_tchdwn_s, 1

//windshield_rain_effect_available =1


smoke.0= -2.00, 	 -14.05,   1.50, fx_water_dump_R.fx
smoke.1= -2.00,  -14.05,  -1.50, fx_water_dump_R.fx
smoke.0= -2.00, 	 -14.05,   2.50, fx_water_dump_R.fx
smoke.1= -2.00,  -14.05,  -2.50, fx_water_dump_R.fx

//Column 1=  Up        (-) Down 
//Column 2=  Forward   (-) Back
//Column 3=  Right     (-) Left


number_of_exits= 2
exit_rate.0    = 0.3
exit_rate.1    = 0.2

//used for the water dump gauges

cable_force_adjust= 1.0
tailhook_length   = 5.0
tailhook_position = -19.73, 0.0, -1.256  


gear_warning_available=  1
pct_throttle_limit    = 10.0    //0.1
flap_limit_idle       = 30.0    //90.0
flap_limit_power      = 90.0    //180.0


type= 1


direction_indicator.0= 3,0 


attitude_indicator.0= 1


turn_indicator.0= 1,0


autopilot_available                 = 1 
flight_director_available           = 1
default_pitch_mode                  = 0
default_bank_mode                   = 0
autothrottle_available              = 0 
autothrottle_arming_required        = 0
autothrottle_takeoff_ga             =     1.00
autothrottle_max_rpm                =   110.00
max_throttle_rate                   =     0.005
default_vertical_speed              =   700.00
pitch_takeoff_ga                    =     8.00
max_pitch                           =    10.00
max_pitch_acceleration              =     1.00
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt           =     2.00
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt           =     1.50
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint= 20000.00
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint= 28000.00
max_bank                            =    25.00
max_bank_acceleration               =     1.80
max_bank_velocity                   =     3.00
nav_proportional_control            =    11.00
nav_integrator_control              =     0.20
nav_derivative_control              =     0.00
nav_integrator_boundary             =     2.50
nav_derivative_boundary             =     0.00
gs_proportional_control             =     9.52
gs_integrator_control               =     0.26
gs_derivative_control               =     0.00
gs_integrator_boundary              =     0.70
gs_derivative_boundary              =     0.00
yaw_damper_gain                     =     1.00


stick_shaker_magnitude    =    2000
stick_shaker_direction    =       0
stick_shaker_period       =  111111
gear_bump_nose_magnitude  =    3000
gear_bump_nose_direction  =   18000
gear_bump_nose_duration   =  250000
gear_bump_left_magnitude  =    2700
gear_bump_left_direction  =    9000
gear_bump_left_duration   =  250000
gear_bump_right_magnitude =    2700
gear_bump_right_direction =   27000
gear_bump_right_duration  =  250000
ground_bumps_magnitude1   =    1300
ground_bumps_angle1       =   08900
ground_bumps_intercept1   =       3.0
ground_bumps_slope1       =       0.2
ground_bumps_magnitude2   =     200
ground_bumps_angle2       =   09100
ground_bumps_intercept2   =       1.075
ground_bumps_slope2       =       0.035
crash_magnitude1          =   10000
crash_direction1          =   01000
crash_magnitude2          =   10000
crash_direction2          =    9000
crash_period2             =   75000
crash_duration2           = 2500000


elevator= 100.0,  180.0
aileron = 200.0, 1000.0
rudder  = 200.0, 1000.0

[Reference Speeds]

full_flaps_stall_speed=  88.0 
flaps_up_stall_speed  = 102.0 
cruise_speed          = 210.0 
max_indicated_speed   = 237.0						//Ref 1
max_mach              =   0.5



